Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally. The vast majority of CVD death is due to myocardial infarction and stroke [1]. Here, we review recent studies from the last 1.5 years on long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in CVD that did not stop with cellular in vitro analyses but stepped forward to investigate the pathophysiological roles of lncRNAs in vivo. As the lncRNA field is quickly evolving, we also review novel conceptual approaches for studying molecular effector mechanisms of lncRNAs.
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LncRNAs are a heterogeneous class of thousands of RNAs (Fig. 1a). Defining them is not trivial. Most commonly, lncRNAs refer to transcripts more than 200 nucleotides in length that do not appear to contain a protein-coding sequence and do not belong to ribosomal, transfer or small nuclear/nucleolar/microRNA-like species [2▪▪]. LncRNAs are predominantly transcribed at low levels by RNA polymerase II from epigenetically sculptured start sites. They are frequently encoded interleaved relative to protein-coding genes (Fig. 1a). An emerging view is that protein-coding genes and lncRNAs potentially represent a larger information continuum because many lncRNAs can regulate protein-coding genes [2▪▪]. For regulating genes, lncRNAs employ many effector mechanisms. They can tether, scaffold and modulate transcription regulatory complexes (Fig. 1b). Also the genomic orientation and relation to neighbouring genes may give first hints at the possible targets of a given lncRNA. On the basis of this, the large group of lncRNAs can be divided into subgroups, comprising lincRNAs (long intergenic noncoding RNAs), as-lncRNAs (antisense lncRNAs), eRNAs (enhancer RNAs), PROMPT (promoter-upstream transcripts) and uaRNA (noncoding RNA from 3’UTR of protein-coding genes) (Fig. 1a). The picture gets even more complex because, apart from linear lncRNAs, also circular forms of RNA (circRNAs) may be produced. CircRNAs may also be functional, as is reviewed separately in this issue.
Classes and conceptual functions of lncRNAs. (a) Major classes of lncRNAs based on genomic orientation and relation to neighbouring genes. lincRNA (long intergenic noncoding RNA), as-lncRNA (antisense lncRNA), eRNA (enhancer RNA), PROMPT (promoter-upstream transcripts), uaRNA (noncoding RNA from 3’UTR of a protein-coding gene). (b--e) Major functions of lncRNAs. (b) Stable lincRNAs or more transient enhancer-like eRNAs as transcription and epigenetic regulators in cis and trans. Also, DNA elements or the processes of transcription and splicing can be functional determinants. (c) Role of low-abundance lncRNAs in seeding and maintaining different types of 3D-compartments. Shown is a nuclear condensate (nuclear body/ liquid-liquid phase separated structure) with IDRs/prion-like protein domains of an RBP and/or electrostatics (-/+) as building principles. (d) lncRNAs can affect protein activity. (e) A variety of other functions: lncRNAs may express peptides from previously undetected small ORFs, recruit effectors via RNA modifications, or bind other nucleic acids like RNAs (e.g. affecting stability, splicing or acting as competing endogenous RNA) or DNA (e.g. leading to R-loop formation and influencing transcription, replication, chromosome topology, damage repair). Ac, acetylation, example of activating histone tail posttranscriptional modification; IDR, intrinsically disordered domain; LLPS, liquid-liquid phase separated structure; P, phosphorylation as an example of protein activity change; TF, transcription factor.
Over the last years, several lncRNAs from these diverse classes have been found to be functional in physiology and disease [3▪▪]. In the cardiovascular system, dozens of lncRNAs have become known to affect heart and blood vessel development and pathophysiology, including ANRIL, MALAT, MIAT, Braveheart, Upperhand, Myheart, H19, Meg3, HOTAIR, Kcnq1ot1, Fendrr, Chaer, CARL, SENCR, SMILR or CARMEN, to name a few [4].
FUNCTIONS OF RECENTLY STUDIED LONG NONCODING RNAS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASESeveral new lncRNAs have recently been functionally studied in a cardiovascular context in vivo (Table 1). Some of these lncRNAs affect the embryonic development of the heart and the vasculature. Others are expressed in cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelial cells or smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and modulate cell contractility, cell differentiation status, cell growth and cell survival (Table 1). Targeted gene knockouts and more fine-grained genetic manipulations were performed for most of the involved lncRNA loci, and effects on CVD were studied in animal CVD models (Table 1). Thereby, it was found that some cardiovascular lncRNAs aggravated, and others ameliorated CVD phenotypes, including atherosclerosis, myocardial pressure overload, infarction and congenital heart disease, as detailed in Table 1.
Table 1 - Recent in vivo studies on long noncoding RNAs in cardiovascular tissues lncRNA Classification Disease context Species Cell type Cellular phenotype in vitro Molecular function/mechanism in vitro Effects in pathology/physiology models in vivo Ref. Caren Pleiotropic translation inhibitor Heart failure Mouse CM CM hypertrophy potentially related to mitochondrial function Primary effector unclear; Caren inhibits Hint 1 mRNA translation; mitochondrial respiratory function is decreased in KO; increased numbers of mitochondria in OE; Hint1 impairs mitochondrial respiration Disease model TAC: more severe heart failure in KO; CAG-promoter-driven or CM-specific OE protects from hypertrophy; Hint1 heterozygous mutant with less severe heart defects [17▪] CARMN TF tethering Atherosclerosis Mouse, rat, human CM VSMC Pro-differentiative and antiproliferative Down in synthetic SMCs of atherosclerotic lesions (ScRNAseq); transactivates MYOCD/SRF complex during activation of target genes; in parallel, enhancer activity on the overlapping MIR143/145 locus Disease model: conditional SMC-specific mouse knockout (Myh11-CreERT2) during left carotid artery ligation; adenoviral OE in the rat during left carotid artery balloon injury; CARMN protects from atherosclerotic neointima growth [5] CARMN TF tethering Atherosclerosis Mouse and human VSMC Pro-proliferative and pro-migrative, pro-differentiation Decreased in atherosclerotic plaque; CARMN interacts with SRF protein and increases SRF occupancy on promoters of SRF target genes Disease model: systemic KD with ASOs in Ldlr –/– shows reduced atherosclerosis, arguing that WT CARMN is proatherogenic (which contrasts (5)) [6] CARMN eRNA or host of miR Atherosclerosis Mouse and human VSMC Pro-differentiative and antiproliferative Putatively enhances the expression of miR-143/14 (overlapping in the CARMN locus) Disease model: liver AAV-PCSK9-induced hyperlipidemia-driven atherosclerosis; GapmeR and CRISPR/Cas9 KO of exon 1 cause more vulnerable plaques [7] circ-INSR Unclear, affecting protein function Cardiomyopathy Human, mouse, rat CM Required for metabolism and survival after DNA replicative stress Down during heart failure; BRCA1 is required for circRNA levels; effector mechanism potentially involves single-strand binding protein SSBP1 Cardiotropic adenoviral OE of circRNA improves cardiac function in a model of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in mouse [18] CIRKIL Regulator of protein in cytoplasm Ischemia/reperfusion injury Mouse and human CM Pro-apoptotic CIRKIL expression increases in ischemic hearts; binds KU70 protein and inhibits nuclear import of KU70; unclear if cellular effects via DSB control or BAX cell death pathway Disease models: (i) dox-inducible transgenic OE worsens heart function and CM damage and infarction area in I/R mice, which Ku70 OE antagonizes; (ii) CRISPR/Cas9 KO cardioprotection in ligation model [16] Ckip-1 3’ UTR Ckip-1 has dual role as mRNA and as uaRNA Cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure Human and mouse CM Promotes mitochondrial respiration, reduces lipid accumulation 3’UTR up in failing hearts; OE increases myocardial metabolism and ATP production independent of Ckip-1; 3’UTR interacts with Let-7f RNA and potentially affectsList of reports that functionally studied long noncoding RNAs (linear and circular) in cardiovascular physiology or disease using in vivo modelling. The focus is on lncRNAs (alphabetically ordered) functioning in cardiomyocytes or cells of the vascular walls (EC, VSMC, macrophages). AAV, adeno-associated virus; ASO, antisense oligonucleotide; CM, cardiomyocyte; EC, vascular endothelial cell; IR/I, ischemia-reperfusion injury; KD, knockdown; KO, knockout; MΦ, macrophages; miR, microRNA; OE, overexpression; OGD/R, Oxygen glucose deprivation and reperfusion; TAC, Transverse Aortic Constriction; TF, transcription factor; UTR, untranslated region of mRNA; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell; WT, wildtype.
In the following, we describe the molecular functions of these recently identified cardiovascular lncRNAs. We group them by type of molecular effector mechanism to give an appreciation of the breadth and complexity of possible functions.
lncRNAs regulate transcription of target genesThe range of molecular effector mechanisms of lncRNAs is broad and cardiovascular lncRNAs are no exception. A recurrent theme is that lncRNAs guide, scaffold and regulate transcription factors or epigenetic regulatory complexes (Table 1, Fig. 1b). For example, CARMN, which is known for recruiting the PRC2 complex in cardiomyocytes, was recently found to transactivate the myocardin/SRF master regulator of vascular SMC differentiation. Thereby, CARMN maintained the contractile SMC state, and this function protected blood vessels from atherosclerotic neointima growth [5–7]. Another example is the cardiac CPhar, which sequestered the transcription regulator C/EBPβ. By inhibiting C/EBPβ from repressing targets such as ATF7, CPhar stimulated cardiomyocyte proliferation [8]. Conversely, the lncRNA RP11–728F11.4 turned out to be pro-atherosclerotic by preventing EWSR1 from repressing transcription in macrophages [9]. In a different study, the lncRNA Platr4 stimulated the Hippo pathway output transcription factors Yap1 and Tead4 during cardiogenic differentiation. Interestingly, Platr4-/- knockout mice developed myocardial and valve degeneration and sudden heart failure [10]. Within the same pathway, lncExACT1 exhibited enhancer activity towards its neighbouring gene, the protocadherin DCHS2, a regulator of Hippo signalling. Thereby, lncExACT1 protected against cardiac fibrosis and dysfunction during pressure-overload and dampened myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury [11▪]. The last two reports merit specific attention in light of a large body of earlier work on the Hippo organ size control pathway in cardiovascular function and response to injury [12].
lncRNAs regulate splicing and mRNA stabilityApart from transcriptional regulation, lncRNAs also often control splicing and target mRNA stability. These processes are more complex to detect and quantify. For example, Trdn-as, stemming from a locus linked to heart arrhythmia, recruited the splicing factors SRSF1/10 to Trdn. Thereby, Trdn-as contributed to the efficient splicing of Triadin, and Triadin promoted cardiac function and exercise capacity [13▪]. In a different study, another asRNA exhibited a different function: ZNF593-AS scaffolded RYR2 mRNA and HNPNPC and increased the translation to RYR2 protein. By increasing RYR2 levels, ZNF593-AS beneficially influenced cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in cardiomyocytes in dilated cardiomyopathy [14].
lncRNAs regulate protein translation and transportlncRNAs function not only in the nucleus but can also bind proteins in the cytoplasm: Cardiovascular TPRG1-AS1 accelerated the turnover of the cytoskeletal motor-protein MYH9 in VSMCs and curbed atherosclerotic neointima growth [15]. In another study, CIRKIL inhibited the nuclear import of Ku70, with potential effects on double-strand break control and cell death pathways. In disease models, CIRKIL worsened cardiomyocyte damage during myocardial infarction [16]. Loss of another well known lncRNA, H19, led to progressive heart fibrosis, heart failure and vascular abnormalities, as typically observed in patients with the Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. The authors mechanistically implicated H19 in this disease because H19 silenced mesenchymal genes in the endothelium, affected TGFβ-signalling and antagonized Mirlet7 microRNAs [17▪]. Finally, a circRNA, circ-INSR, was cardioprotective by prosurvival signalling during replicative stress in cells [18]. Whether other cytosolic or nuclear effector molecules exist for these four lncRNAs remains an open question.
lncRNAs regulate signalling pathwaysIn other cases, the function of the lncRNA is so pleiotropic that it is hard to pinpoint a single causative effector: For example, Caren knockout mice suffered heart failure during pressure overload. Mechanistically, Caren blocked the translation of the pleiotropic tumour suppressor Hint1, and engaged with other unknown factors to control mitochondrial respiration in cardiomyocytes [19▪]. A similarly complex lncRNA is MIAT. MIAT promoted pathological VSMC proliferation and transdifferentiation, which accelerated atherosclerotic plaque growth and vulnerability. This effect might involve NFKB pathway activation and KLF4 transcriptional induction [20▪]. As MIAT also promotes tumorigenesis by binding AEG-1, a protein that affects diverse pathways [21], it is possible that NFKB signalling is a central lncRNA effector across diseases and tissues. Finally, no clear effector mechanism was defined for OIP5-AS1 during its female-specific cardioprotective role [22].
lncRNAs can exhibit more than one rolelncRNA loci sometimes exhibit more than one role: For example, HBL1 targets JARID2 to repress cardiogenic gene promoters via PRC2. Independently, HBL1 also restrains miR-1's from targeting JARID[19▪]. Thus, HBL1 fine-tunes cardiogenesis twofold in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. HBL1 target genes are, thereby, relevant as possible genetic causes of congenital heart diseases [23]. A similarly complex scenario happens at the Ckip-1 locus. There, the 3’UTR of Ckip-1 mRNA takes on a life of its own as uaRNA (Fig. 1a) and sequesters Let-7f microRNAs. By antagonizing Let-7f, the Ckip-1 3’UTR activates cardioprotective metabolic remodelling [24]. These scenarios highlight the complexity of lncRNAs and show that care should be taken when attributing phenotypes to a single molecular effector mechanism (Table 1).
lncRNAs bind enzymes and regulate their activitylncRNAs may also serve as selective regulators of protein enzyme activity, which speaks for specific structural interactions with clients (Fig. 1c) and goes far beyond simply tethering or scaffolding interacting partners (Fig. 1b): An instructive example is Veal2, which was found to be essential for the endothelial barrier function and normal vasculogenesis. This lncRNA inhibits the kinase activity of Prkcbb [25▪▪]. Specifically, the authors established that Veal2 inhibited lipid activators from access to an allosteric stretch in Prkcbb protein. To make this argument, the authors also provided corroborating structural insights from molecular dynamic simulations [25▪▪]. Astonishingly, this enzymatic regulation was conserved in humans, despite the lack of conservation in VEAL2 sequence. Finally, by rescuing the vascular defects of Veal2 mutants with chemical Prkcbb inhibitors, the study confirmed this effector mechanism in vivo. Moreover, reintroducing the lncRNA in trans into a lncRNA mutant provided formal evidence that the RNA was the functional moiety in vivo. Thus, at several levels, this work is a role model study. Importantly, from a translational perspective, re-expressing VEAL2 is a therapeutic avenue because VEAL2 strengthens cell-cell junctions and endothelial permeability in diabetic retinopathy [25▪▪].
Across the reviewed studies (Table 1), cardiovascular lncRNAs can bind DNA, RNA or proteins and affect many different molecular pathways. This makes it difficult to derive unifying features of lncRNA function. Also, given the paucity of bioinformatic methods to systematically predict effector mechanisms for lncRNAs, studying lncRNA loci remains often more complex than studying protein-coding genes. For this reason, it is important to consider potentially overarching concepts that can sharpen new experimental hypotheses and streamline the functional analysis of new lncRNAs, as discussed in the following two chapters.
NEW INSIGHTS FROM GENOME-WIDE STUDIES OF LONG NONCODING RNAsImportant new conceptual insights in lncRNA effector mechanisms have recently been obtained from new single-cell technologies and from CRISPR/Cas9-based genome-wide screens. They provide novel perspectives on how noncoding risk loci and lncRNAs expressed from these loci may be prioritized and functionally studied in CVD (Table 2).
Table 2 - Emerging concepts for long noncoding RNA functionality Emerging concept for lncRNA function Specific lncRNA function Ref. New insights from genome-wide studies of lncRNAs Single-cell exploration of lncRNAs from enhancers and of noncoding risk variants from GWAS - Single cell sequencing captures rare cell subtypes relevant to (CVD) pathophysiology.List of currently discussed mechanisms of how lncRNA can function, many of which still need to be specifically explored in the cardiovascular context.eRNA, enhancer RNA; IDR, intrinsically disordered domain in a protein; PAS, promoter antisense RNA; RBP, RNA-binding protein.
The majority of genetic variation of
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