aDepartment of Urology, University Hospital Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
bDepartment of Urology, Libramont Medical Center, Luxembourg, Belgium
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Article / Publication DetailsFirst-Page Preview
Received: August 16, 2022
Accepted: January 04, 2023
Published online: March 30, 2023
Number of Print Pages: 6
Number of Figures: 3
Number of Tables: 1
ISSN: 0042-1138 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0399 (Online)
For additional information:
AbstractGiant hydronephrosis (GH), characterized by the presence of more than 1 L of fluid in the renal collecting system, is a rare urological condition, particularly in adults. Obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction is the most common cause of GH. We report the case of a 51-year-old man who presented with dyspnea, edema of the lower limbs, and major abdominal distension. The patient was diagnosed with obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction, causing a left giant hydronephrotic kidney. After renal drainage of 27 L of urine, a laparoscopic nephrectomy was performed. GH usually manifests as asymptomatic abdominal distension or vague symptoms. However, very few published reports describe cases of GH initially presenting with respiratory and vascular manifestations.
© 2023 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Received: August 16, 2022
Accepted: January 04, 2023
Published online: March 30, 2023
Number of Print Pages: 6
Number of Figures: 3
Number of Tables: 1
ISSN: 0042-1138 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0399 (Online)
For additional information:
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