Use of Judicial Bypass of Mandatory Parental Consent to Access Abortion and Judicial Bypass Denials, Florida and Texas, 2018–2021

Amanda JeanStevenson, PhD, and KateColeman-Minahan, RN, PhD, FNP-BCAmanda Jean Stevenson is with the Department of Sociology and the University of Colorado Population Center, University of Colorado, Boulder. Kate Coleman-Minahan is with the College of Nursing, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and the University of Colorado Population Center, University of Colorado, Boulder. “Use of Judicial Bypass of Mandatory Parental Consent to Access Abortion and Judicial Bypass Denials, Florida and Texas, 2018–2021”, American Journal of Public Health , no.  (): pp. e1-e4.

PMID: 36634290

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