To the best of our knowledge, the validation of CoP in young infants (up to 3 months) grouped by future motor outcome (typical/impaired postural control) and measured using a force platform in a horizontal (supine or prone) position has not been published thus far.
Taking into consideration the close relationship between postural control and movement [33], it can be hypothesized that abnormal GMs are accompanied by atypical postural control. Thus, the current study attempted to identify typical vs. impaired postural control in pre-term infants in horizontal positions (i.e., supine and prone) using the force platform. Using clinical GMA as a reference, the present study aimed to characterize a new posturometric test based on CoP movement analysis in terms of design and construct validity for the detection of postural control disturbances in pre-term infants. For this purpose, comparative studies were carried out between pre-term infants who presented normal FMs (indicating normal future motor outcomes) vs. absent FMs (indicating later neurological dysfunction). 3. ResultsParticipants were included in either the tested group (infants presented absent FMs) or the control group (infants presented normal FMs) based on the GMA. The inter-assessment agreement of stratification between absent FMs and normal FMs was perfect in both term and post-term GMA (ICC = 0.996–1.00 and ICC = 0.996–1.00; 95% confidence interval) (ICC = 0.986–1 and ICC = 0.985–1, respectively).
Statistical analyses revealed significant differences between the infants from the tested group and the control group for all CoP parameters describing spontaneous CoP displacement in the supine position (Table 3). This was true for both types of posturometric indices, i.e., for those based on CoP shifts (SPL, VmaxCoP) and those based on the surface area of the CoP (ACoP, MCoPx, and MCoPy) (Table 3). Furthermore, the main postural parameter describing spontaneous sway of CoP (SPL) was twice as short in infants from the tested group compared with controls. Additionally, it was also observed that infants who presented absent FMs (tested group) showed a half smaller range of spontaneous CoP displacement, on average, in both the linear direction medial-lateral (MCoPx) and anterior-posterior (MCoPy) than those who presented with normal GMs (control group) in the supine position (Table 3). Although the differences between groups (tested vs. control) in the main postural control parameters describing spontaneous sway of CoP, such as SPL and VmaxCoP, in prone were not as great as in supine, they differed significantly (Table 4). However, no statistically significant differences were found between parameters describing the surface area of the CoP, such as ACoP, MCoPx, and MCoPy between infants with absent (study group) and normal (control group) FMs (Table 4). To determine the overall accuracy of the new posturometric test, the AUC values were used. AUC values greater than 0.9 were considered to be outstanding discrimination, those from 0.8 to 0.9 were excellent, and those from 0.7 to 0.8 were acceptable discrimination, while values less than 0.7 represented nonacceptable discrimination. A value of 0.5 means random discrimination [36]. The highest discrimination values between the tested group and the control group were shown for both CoP parameters describing spontaneous sway in the supine position, i.e., SPL and VmaxCoP (outstanding discrimination; AUC > 0.9). Nevertheless, the parameters describing the surface area of the CoP in the supine position (ACoP, MCoPx, and MCoPy) had an excellent discriminant value for the normal and absent FM patterns (AUC > 0.8) (Table 5). Considering the characterization of the postural control parameters in the prone position observed that the discriminant value for postural parameters describing spontaneous sway of CoP, such as SPL and VmaxCoP, was acceptable discrimination (AUC > 0.7), while it was nonacceptable and statistically insignificant for parameters describing the surface area of the CoP, such as ACoP, MCoPx, and MCoPy (AUC = 0.65) (Table 5). The best cut-off point (highest sensitivity while maintaining highest specificity) for individual variables with a significance test are presented in Table 5 and Figure 1. The ROC curves and the optimal cutoff point for individual postural parameters in two conditions of examination in supine (A) and prone (B) positions are presented in Figure 3. The diagonal line represents no discrimination, while the curves represent the sensitivity and specificity of individual postural parameters at different cutoff points. 4. DiscussionThe design and construct validity of the new PT for the recognition of postural control disturbances in pre-term, high-risk infants was determined by comparing its outcomes with the results of the assessment of general movements (GMA) for the early recognition of neurological deficits in pre-term infants.
The main finding of our study was the recognition of the correlation between abnormalities in postural control measured by new PT in pre-term infants with their absent FM patterns at 12–14 weeks post-term age. The comparison analysis between pre-term infants with absent FMs vs. pre-term infants with normal FMs in PT in a supine position presented altered postural control parameters in infants with absent FMs, such as (1) significantly shorter sway path length, (2) significantly slower velocity of CoP displacement, and (3) a significantly smaller range of spontaneous CoP displacement in both linear directions, i.e., medial-lateral and anterior-posterior in comparison with normally developing pre-term infants (controls). Differences between groups (tested vs. control) regarding the main postural control parameters describing spontaneous CoP sway and area in the prone position were not as evident as in supine.
To assess whether the new PT data were able to discriminate between infants who presented absent FMs (study group) from infants who presented normal FMs (control group) the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was applied. The outstanding discriminant capacity (AUC > 0.9) of both CoP parameters describing spontaneous sway in the supine position, i.e SPL and VmaxCoP, and excellent discriminant value of the parameters describing the surface area of the CoP in the supine (ACoP, MCoPx, and MCoPy) in examination in supine position between groups confirmed that new PT has the ability to discriminate between pre-term infants at risk for neuromotor deficits, i.e., those who presented absent FMs and normally developing pre-term infants, i.e., these who presented normal GMs.
The strength of this study is the use of the pressure-sensitive platform based on very sensitive transducers and equipped with a large tabletop, resembling a changing table for babies adapted for the safe examination of infants in horizontal positions. So far postural control in children has been assessed by means of posturography, i.e., measurement of spontaneous CoP displacement using a force platform. However, the force platforms (e.g., Kistler, AMTI) are limited in their clinical utility for posturometric assessment of infants because they are not sufficiently adapted to the specific anthropometric characteristics of infants in the supine position, such as small body size and very low body weight.
Validation of CoP measured using a force platform in a horizontal (supine or prone) position has not been published thus far. Moreover, only a few studies have been concerned with the recognition of postural control of infants in the first months of life using CoP methodology [23,28,29,31,32]. Two studies by Dusing and co-workers assessed the displacements of CoP in the supine position at an early stage of infants’ development using a pressure-sensitive mapping method, but it was related to the comparison between pre-term and full-term infants [28,29]. There were recognized that premature infants exhibited more stereotypic patterns of movement, resulting in larger, but repetitive, CoP excursions than full-term infants. However, both examined populations (pre-term and full-term infants) as well approach to the CoP movement analysis in the above studies were different than ours. Therefore, these results cannot be directly compared. Probably, most similar to the presented study is the work of Støen and colleagues who analyzed supine infant movement relative to an observational clinical classification of high risk for CP according to GMs concept, where one of the measures was the standard deviation of the movement of the centroid over the duration of the recording [23]. Støen and colleagues have reported that infants with absent fidgety movements, i.e., infants at risk for motor impairment demonstrated greater variability in the centroid movement i.e., greater instability during movement [23]. The above study quantified the magnitude of the variability in postural control using root mean squared of the CoP displacement, while our study was based on spontaneous sway of CoP and velocity of the CoP displacement evaluation, so these results cannot be directly compared with our findings.Due to the lack of reference for the results of posturometric measurements of supine postural control in pre-term infants up to three months of age, the obtained results in our study are difficult to compare with those found in previous studies. This study is a feasibility study and reports pilot findings; therefore, it is difficult to draw definite conclusions.
Nevertheless, the current results showed that the presence of abnormalities in postural control in preterm infants as measured by new PT correlates with their absent FMs pattern at 12–14 weeks post-term age. Based on these preliminary results, it can be concluded that the new PT in the supine position based on measurement of the CoP displacement has been demonstrated to be valid and can be a particularly revealing indicator for the development of postural control abnormalities in pre-term infants.
Further construct validity and reliability studies of presented PT are needed to provide some evidence that pre-term infants at risk for neuromotor deficits who present abnormal GMs and normally develop pre-term infants, i.e., these patients who presented with normal GMs differ in the nature of the development of postural control.
5. Study LimitationsThis study has several limitations that must be considered and addressed in follow-up studies. First, due to the fact, that commonly used for CoP displacement measurements force plates (e.g., Kistler, AMTI) are not sufficiently adapted to the specific anthropometric characteristics of infants, such as body size and first of all very low body weight of the pre-term infant, the custom-built force plate used in our study has not been compared with state-of-the-art force platforms. Second, due to large differences in sampling frequency (our force plate 50 Hz vs. sensory mats only 5 Hz), it has not been compared with pressure-sensitive mats (PSM). Third, the number of participants in our study seemed relatively small; however, the low prevalence of CP (and thus abnormal GMs), which remains at 2–3 per 1000 live births, was a significant limitation in recruiting a greater number of infants with consistently presented abnormal GMs in the tested group for this study.
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