Figure 1.
Distribution of the ICC.
Table 1.
Features of the ICC subtypes.
Table 1.
Features of the ICC subtypes.
SubtypesDistributionMorphologyFunctionICC progenitorStomach
IntestineGroups of round or oval cellsPossess the ability to repair or replenish damaged ICC. [
24]ICC of the myenteric plexus (Auerbach): MYStomach
Ileon and jejunum
ColonMultipolar cells, possessing multiple interconnected branchesGenerate and propagate slow electrical waves. [
24]ICC of longitudinal muscle tissue: LMDistal oesophagus
Ileon and jejunum
ColonBipolar cells, oriented along the long axis of the surrounding smoth muscle cellsImportant role in neurotransmission between the intestinal nervous system and smooth muscle cells. [
25]ICC of circular muscle tissue: CMDistal oesophagus
Ileon and jejunum
ColonBipolar cells, oriented along the long axis of the surrounding smoth muscle cellsImportant role in neurotransmission between the intestinal nervous system and smooth muscle cells. [
26]ICC-IM: mixed form, combining ICC-CM and ICC-LMDistal oesophagus
Ileon and jejunum
ColonBipolar cells, oriented along the long axis of the surrounding smoth muscle cellsImportant role in neurotransmission between the intestinal nervous system and smooth muscle cells. [
24]ICC of deep muscular plexus: DMPIleon and jejunumMultipolar cells, located in the deep muscular plexus; in close association with the nerve fascicles of the deep muscular plexusNeural transmission. [
27]ICC of submucosa and submucosal plexus: SM and SMPPylorus–SM
Colon–SMPBipolar or Multipolar cellsPacemakers and neurotransmission roles. [
Table 2.
Cytological characteristics of ICC, Fibroblasts, Smooth muscle cells and GIST.
Table 2.
Cytological characteristics of ICC, Fibroblasts, Smooth muscle cells and GIST.
Cell TypeC-KitCVBLMITNCIFRERGJICC++-+++++++++Fibroblats---++++++Smooth muscle cells++++++++++++++GIST++-++++++-
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