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Figure 1. Conceptual model.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics.
Demographic CharacteristicsFrequencyPercentageGender Male8441.2%Female12058.8%Age 20–294924.1%30–398441.1%40–495125.0%50–59209.8%Job Position Employee10852.9%Chief3416.7%Assistant Manager2914.2%Manager167.8%Assistant Director and Director178.4%Industries Fashion4321.1%Food and drink4019.6%Home appliance 2512.3%Restaurants188.8%Beauty products 167.8%Insurance and bank 136.4%Cultural performance service73.4%Hospital 73.4%Hotel 62.9%Others2914.3Total 204100%Table 2. Inner VIF values.
Table 2. Inner VIF values.
Constructs ASBCOSBOPPPER1. ASB 1.4091.4092. COSB 1.4091.4093. TMC1.000 4. VC 1.000Table 3. Measurement items and the results of confirmatory factor analysis.
Table 3. Measurement items and the results of confirmatory factor analysis.
ConstructsMeasurement Items Loadings αCRAVEValue congruence VC1. My values match with the values of the company.0.8700.9080.9310.731VC2. The values that the company considers important reflect my values.0.884 VC3. I think the values of this company are desirable. 0.856 VC4. I would not have joined this company if my values were different from the values of this company.0.827 VC5. The reason why I chose my current company is because of its values. 0.839 Top management support TMS1. Company management takes the interest of salespeople seriously.0.8290.8930.9260.758TMS2. Company management puts a lot of effort into improving the well-being of salespeople.0.894 TMS3. Company management strives to develop individual salespersons and professionalism.0.877 TMS4. The company’s management gives importance to the job satisfaction of salespeople.0.880 Customer-oriented selling behaviorCOSB1. Our company expresses commitment to our customers.0.8040.8380.8910.672COSB2. Our company creates value for our customers.0.761 COSB3. Our company understands the needs of our customers.0.862 COSB4. Our company sets customer satisfaction objectives.0.849 Adaptive selling behaviorADS1. I sell products or services in a very flexible way.0.7060.8550.8960.634ADS2. I use a variety of sales methods easily.0.822 ADS3. I do not use the same approach for the most of customers.0.807 ADS4. I like to try various sales approaches to the customer. 0.852 ADS5. I try to change my approach according to each customer.0.787 Sales performanceSP1. I am increasing the market share of the company in a certain area.0.8420.8840.9200.743SP2. I am increasing the sales volume of a product or service.0.887 SP3. I am selling new products or services quickly.0.860 SP4. I am finding new customers and forming relationships. 0.859 Opportunistic behaviorOPB1. I promise my boss that I will do it without doing anything.0.8750.9120.9330.737OPB2. I intentionally exaggerate for sales opportunities in certain situations.0.839 OPB3. Sometimes I distort the facts to some extent to get what I need.0.872 OPB4. If I have an opportunity to make an operating profit, I may not keep my promises or contracts with the company.0.886 OPB5. I sometimes inconsistently carry out agreements with the company. 0.820Table 4. Correlation matrix and squared roots of AVE in diagonal.
Table 4. Correlation matrix and squared roots of AVE in diagonal.
Constructs 1234561. ASB0.796 2. COSB0.5390.820 3. OPP0.116−0.1860.859 4. PER0.6660.5100.1150.862 5. TMS0.4610.3660.0170.3640.870 6. VC0.4790.3680.1310.4000.6970.855Table 6. Results of the structural model.
Table 6. Results of the structural model.
HHypotheses βT-Statisticsp-ValueCL (5–95%)Results H1Value congruence → customer-oriented selling behavior 0.3766.1430.0000.274—0.471SupportedH2Top management support → adaptive selling behavior 0.4648.3750.0000.373—0.554Supported H3Customer-oriented selling behavior → sales performance 0.2152.7620.0030.086—0.340Supported H4Adaptive selling behavior → sales performance 0.5549.5180.0000.456—0.648Supported H5Customer-oriented selling behavior → opportunistic behavior −0.3524.4070.000−0.479—0.220Supported H6Adaptive selling behavior → opportunistic behavior 0.3113.7990.0000.178—0.443Supported
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