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Article / Publication DetailsFirst-Page Preview
Received: October 16, 2020
Accepted: January 12, 2022
Published online: March 10, 2022
Number of Print Pages: 11
Number of Figures: 6
Number of Tables: 0
ISSN: 1021-7401 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0216 (Online)
For additional information: https://www.karger.com/NIM
AbstractIntroduction: The prenatal/perinatal exposure to infections may trigger neurodevelopmental alterations that lead to neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Previous evidence points to long-term behavioral consequences, such as autistic-like behaviors in rodents induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) pre- and postnatal (PN) exposure during critical neurodevelopmental periods. Additionally, sex influences the prevalence and symptoms of ASD. Despite this, the mechanisms underlying this influence are poorly understood. We aim to study sex influences in behavioral and neurotrophic/inflammatory alterations triggered by LPS neonatal exposure in juvenile mice at an approximate age of ASD diagnosis in humans. Methods: Swiss male and female mice on PN days 5 and 7 received a single daily injection of 500 μg/kg LPS from Escherichia coli or sterile saline (control group). We conducted behavioral determinations of locomotor activity, repetitive behavior, anxiety-like behavior, social interaction, and working memory in animals on PN25 (equivalent to 3–5 years old of the human). To determine BDNF levels in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, we used animals on PN8 (equivalent to a human term infant) and PN25. In addition, we evaluated iba-1 (microglia marker), TNFα, and parvalbumin expression on PN25. Results: Male juvenile mice presented repetitive behavior, anxiety, and working memory deficits. Females showed social impairment and working memory deficits. In the neurochemical analysis, we detected lower BDNF levels in brain areas of female mice that were more evident in juvenile mice. Only LPS-challenged females presented a marked hippocampal expression of the microglial activation marker, iba-1, and increased TNFα levels, accompanied by a lower parvalbumin expression. Discussion/Conclusion: Male and female mice presented distinct behavioral alterations. However, LPS-challenged juvenile females showed the most prominent neurobiological alterations related to autism, such as increased microglial activation and parvalbumin impairment. Since these sex-sensitive alterations seem to be age-dependent, a better understanding of changes induced by the exposure to specific risk factors throughout life represents essential targets for developing strategies for autism prevention and precision therapy.
© 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Received: October 16, 2020
Accepted: January 12, 2022
Published online: March 10, 2022
Number of Print Pages: 11
Number of Figures: 6
Number of Tables: 0
ISSN: 1021-7401 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0216 (Online)
For additional information: https://www.karger.com/NIM
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