Familial Gullo’s Syndrome: a clinical case report
Mauro Turrin, Lucia Fornasiero
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7175/cmi.v15i1.1493
AbstractThis case report describes a male patient born in 1953 presenting an occasional increase in serum amylase and lipase forty years ago. The monitoring of enzymes was accompanied by radiological investigations, which did not reveal pancreatic pathology. In his family, including 10 siblings, half were carriers of this isolated anomaly; multiple cysts in pancreas, kidneys, and liver were present in some family members, in addition to a pancreatic neoplasia in a sister who did not carry the enzymatic abnormality. Our patient developed colon adenocarcinoma at the age of 67.
Here we examine the characteristics of non-pathological chronic pancreatic hyperenzymemia defined as such by the main Italian pioneer Professor Gullo.
KeywordsHyperamylasemia; Hyperlipasemia; Familial Pancreatic Hyperenzimemia; Gullo’s Syndrome; Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography Imaging
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