Prions, misfolded proteins that aggregate, cause an array of progressively deteriorating conditions to which currently there are no effective treatments. The presently accepted model indicates that the soluble non-prion forms of prion-forming proteins, such as the well-studied SUP35, do not exist in large aggregated molecular complexes. Here, we show using analytical ultracentrifugation with fluorescent detection that the non-prion form of SUP35 exists in a range of discretely sized soluble complexes (19S, 28S, 39S, 57S, and 70S-200S). Similar to the [PSI+] aggregated complexes, each of these [psi-] complexes associates at stoichiometric levels with a large variety of molecular chaperones: HSP70 proteins comprise the major component. Another yeast prion-forming protein, RNQ1 (known to promote the production of the prion SUP35 state), is also present in SUP35 complexes. These results establish that the non-prion SUP35, like its prion form, is predisposed to form large molecular complexes containing chaperones and other prion-forming proteins. These results agree with our previous studies on the huntingtin protein. That the normal forms for aggregation-prone proteins may preexist in large molecular complexes has important ramifications for the progression of diseases involving protein aggregation.
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