New Editor‐in‐Chief of the International Endodontic Journal


Dr Hal Duncan BDS, FDS RCS, FFD RCSI, MClin Dent, MRD RCS (Endo), PhD

I am delighted to announce that Dr Hal Duncan has been appointed to succeed me as Editor-in-Chief of the International Endodontic Journal from 1 January 2022. Hal has an outstanding track record of achievement, and his appointment will allow the Journal to continue to flourish and increase its reach and impact.

Hal received his dental degree from the University of Glasgow and his endodontic speciality training in Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London. For 10 years, he worked part-time in specialist referral endodontic practice. He completed his PhD in the University of Birmingham (supervised by Professor(s) Tony Smith, Paul Cooper, Garry Fleming) on the subject of ‘Epigenetic approaches to the role of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors (HDACi) in promoting dentine-pulp reparative mechanisms’. As an Academic Consultant in Endodontics, he has led endodontic teaching, service delivery and research in Dublin Dental University Hospital (DDUH) for the last 13 years. He has published over 80 international peer-reviewed scientific articles, 40 research abstracts, 17 book chapters, as well as editing 2 textbooks. He was the primary author of the recent European Society of Endodontology (ESE) position statement on ‘Management of deep caries and the exposed pulp’ and is the lead of the ongoing ‘ESE S3-level Guidelines for the Treatment of Endodontic Disease’. He has been an Associate Editor for the International Endodontic Journal since 2014. Hal has completed three sponsored research fellowships in New York University/Rutgers University investigating the role of epigenetic-modifying agents on tooth development and regeneration, as well as multiple research grants as principal investigator. In DDUH, he currently maintains a research laboratory and supervises several clinical and scientifically trained PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in basic and translational pulp biology and endodontics. Currently, he is the Director of Research in the DDUH, the Chair of Membership Committee of the ESE, a Member of the Executive Board of the ESE, the President of the Irish Division of the IADR, the Vice President of the Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group of the IADR and a Board Member of the Pan European Region of the IADR. He is a past president of the Irish Endodontic Society, as well as an external examiner at home and abroad.

Hal has also been a major contributor to the PRIDE suite of reporting guidelines that have been developed and published over the last year or so. These can be found at: and

The Preferred Reporting Items for study Designs in Endodontology (PRIDE) is an online web-based resource that has been developed to increase awareness of the importance of high standards of reporting research and clinical reports in the specialty. The PRIDE team are developing guidelines for various study design such as case reports, laboratory studies, animal studies, randomized clinical trials and observational studies. These reporting guidelines in Endodontology will help authors to compose accurate, transparent and high-quality manuscripts.

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