Acid equivalents; use to normalize the reporting of concentrations of glyphosate where different salts or formulations have been used in different studies
AMFArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
AMPAAminomethylphosphonic acid, a degradate of glyphosate
ANEOsAlkylamine ethoxylates
ANVISAAgência Nacional de Vigillância Sanitâria of Brazil
APVMAAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
ASEAccelerated Solvent Extraction
CASChemical Abstracts Service
CLPPCommunity-Level Physiological Profiling, a technique for characterizing function of mixed microbial communities
DGGEDenaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis, a molecular technique for characterizing the composition, diversity, and function of microbial communities in the environment
DT50Time for 50% of a substance in a matrix to dissipate and/or degrade
EFSAEuropean Food Safety Agency
EOEthoxylate groups as referring to ethoxylate-containing surfactants
EpilimnionThe upper layer of water in a temperature-stratified lake)
EPSPS5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase
FAOFood and Agriculture Agency of the United Nations
FARField application rate, applied to crops for pest management
FMOC ClFluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride, a reagent used to derivatize glyphosate during analysis
FSCJFood Safety Commission of Japan
GBHGlyphosate-based herbicides (as used in weed management)
GLPGood Laboratory Practice
GRGlyphosate-resistant (crops)
JMPRJoint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues
KdSoil-water partition coefficient
KOCSoil-water partition coefficient, normalized for content of organic carbon
KOMSoil-water partition coefficient, normalized for content of organic matter
LC50Concentration that is lethal to 50% of the organisms exposed through the matrix
LD50Dose that is lethal to 50% of the dosed organisms
LAILeaf area index, the one-sided area of green leaves per unit area of ground surface
LODLevel of detection
LOQLevel of quantification
LR50Application rate lethal to 50% of the tested organisms
NOECNo observed effect concentration
NPDESNational Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit
PICTPollution-Induced Community Tolerance, a technique to characterize the induction of tolerance to pollutants in communities of organisms
PMRAPest Management Regulatory Agency of Canada
POEAPolyoxyethylene amine, also Polyethoxylated tallow amine
POE-TPolyoxyethylene (15) tallowamine, a formulant
QA/QCQuality Assurance and Quality Control
SDSSafety Data Sheet (AKA Material Safety Data Sheet)
USEPAUnited States Environmental Protection Agency
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