BR was the methods chair of the WHO COVID-19 Therapeutics GDG that assessed hydroxychloroquine treatment. TA is a board member of the MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that provides methodological support to the GDG. JD is the network lead, WHO Health Emergencies chair, and is part of the WHO COVID-19 Therapeutics Steering Committee. LA is a member of the WHO COVID-19 Therapeutics Steering Committee and a scientist and methods lead in the WHO Department of Quality Assurance of Norms and Standards.
References1.White NJ Strub-Wourgaft N Faiz A Guerin PJGuidelines should not pool evidence from uncomplicated and severe COVID-19.
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Copyright© 2021 World Health Organization. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ScienceDirectAccess this article on ScienceDirect Linked ArticlesGuidelines should not pool evidence from uncomplicated and severe COVID-19The WHO Global Development Group guidelines on COVID-19 therapeutics are meant to provide evidence-based advice to all countries on the medical management of patients with COVID-19.1,2 The only small-molecule drug to show unequivocal benefit to date is dexamethasone. In the largest randomised controlled trial in patients who were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (ie, the RECOVERY trial), dexamethasone at a low dose reduced mortality in the prospectively defined subgroups of patients requiring medical oxygen (rate ratio 0·82 [95% CI 0·72–0·94]) or being ventilated (0·64 [0·51–0·81]) but not in patients not receiving respiratory support at randomisation (1·19 [0·91–1·55]).
Full-Text PDF WHO COVID-19 therapeutic guidelines – Authors' replyWe thank Bram Rochwerg and colleagues for information on the WHO therapeutic guideline development process. Unfortunately, they do not address our main concern: the unjustified extrapolation of evidence from randomised controlled trials in severe COVID-19 to therapeutic guidelines for uncomplicated illness.1 Pooling summary data from studies with different severity definitions, deciding on inappropriate primary outcomes, and extrapolating from results in hospitalised patients to ambulant individuals with mild infections suggests a worrying lack of clinical judgement.
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