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Nat Rev Nephrol. 2016; 12: 27-36
,2 Skorecki K.L. Wasser W.G. Hypertension-misattributed kidney disease in African Americans.Kidney Int. 2013; 83: 6-9
APOL1 G1 and G2 kidney-risk variants (KRVs) display the strongest genetic association in complex disease; G0 is nonrisk. KRVs are found virtually only in populations with recent African ancestry and provide protection from African sleeping sickness. 3 Genovese G. Friedman D.J. Ross M.D. et al. Association of trypanolytic ApoL1 variants with kidney disease in African Americans.Science. 2010; 329: 841-845
Possessing 2 KRVs, autosomal recessive inheritance (G1G1/G2G2/G1G2, 1 KRV from each parent) defines high-risk genotypes with markedly increased risk for CKD. Approximately 13% of African Americans possess 2 KRVs, and 87% have APOL1 low-risk genotypes (∼39% G0G1/G0G2; ∼48% G0G0). 3 Genovese G. Friedman D.J. Ross M.D. et al. Association of trypanolytic ApoL1 variants with kidney disease in African Americans.Science. 2010; 329: 841-845
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