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Title:Beta-Blockers and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Author(s):Juan A. Siordia*
Affiliation:Department of Internal Medicine, Banner-University Medical Center, University of Arizona, 1501 N Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719
Keywords:Beta-Blocker, aortic aneurysm, aorta, medical therapy, blood pressure, meta-analysis.
Abstract:Background: Aortic aneurysms are worrisome because of their predisposition to dissection and rupture. Beta-blockers are considered first-line therapy for aortic aneurysms. The following meta-analysis assesses if beta-blockers diminish aortic aneurysm growth.
Methods: A literature search was performed to collect information on clinical trials that have assessed aortic aneurysm growth between beta-blockers and placebo. The primary endpoint was aortic aneurysm growth rate per year. A forest plot with a random-effects model was used for analysis. Results: Eight clinical trials were included in the analysis. Beta-blockers showed a statistically non-significant effect on aortic aneurysm growth (standard mean difference -0.44; 95% CI [-0.44, 0.00]). Conclusion: Beta-blockers do not significantly influence aortic aneurysm growth. Further studies are required to find a suitable medical therapy to reduce growth rates.
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