Diagnostic Trends and Prescription Patterns in Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Bipolar Disorder


This study was sponsored by Pfizer . Medical writing support was provided by Jake Evans, PhD, and Jon Edwards, PhD, of Engage Scientific (Horsham, United Kingdom) and was funded by Pfizer .

Dr. Zhou served as the statistical expert for this research.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: Findling, Zhou, George, Chappell

Formal analysis: Zhou, George

Funding acquisition: Chappell

Methodology: Zhou, George

Writing – original draft: Findling, Zhou, George, Chappell

Writing – review and editing: Findling, Zhou, George, Chappell

Programming support to the data analyses was carried out by Rongjun Shen, MS, of Pfizer . Analysis quality control support was carried out by Richard Gong, MS, of Pfizer . Yasmina M. Saade, MD, of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, assisted with the interpretation of the comorbidity findings of this study.

Disclosure: Dr. Findling has received research support, acted as a consultant, and/or has received honoraria from Acadia, Adamas Aevi, Afecta, Akili, Alkermes, Allergan, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , American Psychiatric Press, Arbor, Axsome, Daiichi-Sankyo, Gedeon Richter, Genentech, Idorsia, Intra-Cellular Therapies, KemPharm, Luminopia, Lundbeck, MedAvante-ProPhase, Merck , the National Institutes of Health , Neurim, Noven, Nuvelution, Otsuka, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute , PaxMedica, Pfizer , Physicians Postgraduate Press, Q BioMed, Receptor Life Sciences, Roche , Sage, Signant Health, Sunovion, Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Syneos, Syneurx, Takeda, Teva, Tris, and Validus. Drs. Zhou, George, and Chappell are employed by Pfizer.

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