Shared Medication PLanning In (SIMPLIfy) Home Hospice: An Educational Program to Enable Goal-Concordant Prescribing in Home Hospice


Simplifying medication regimens by tapering and/or withdrawing unnecessary drugs is important to optimize quality of life and safety for patients with serious illness. Few resources are available to educate clinicians, patients and family caregivers about this process.


To describe the development of an educational program called Shared Medication PLanning In (SIMPLIfy) Home Hospice.


An environmental scan identified a state-of-the-art educational program for home hospice deprescribing that we adapted using a stakeholder panel engagement process. The stakeholder panel (2 hospice administrators, 3 nurses, 2 physicians, 2 pharmacists, and 2 former family caregivers) drawn from 2 geographically diverse hospice agencies reviewed the educational program and recommended additional content.


Iterative rounds of review and feedback resulted in: (a) a 3-part clinician educational program (total duration=1.5 hour) that presents a standardized, goal-concordant, medication review approach to align medications and conversations about regimen simplification with patient and family caregiver goals of care; (b) a patient-family caregiver medication management educational notebook that presents common symptoms, hospice medications, and medication regimen simplification principles; and (c) a brief guide including helpful phrases to use as conversation starters for key steps in the program. A professional designer created thematic coherence for all materials that was well received by stakeholder panelists and hospice staff.


Educational materials can support hospice programs’ and clinicians’ efforts to implement goal-concordant medication simplification that optimizes end-of-life outcomes for patients and family caregivers. Evaluation of outcomes including medication appropriateness and family caregiver medication administration burden are not yet available.

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