Exploring Neurokinetic Therapy on Core Muscle Endurance, Lateral Pelvic Tilt, and Quadratus Lumborum Flexibility for subjects with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain

Mohammed Luqman Sulaiman, Kamalakannan Mohanan, Kotteeswaran Kandaswami, Durga Nagaraj

Background. More than 90 percent of the population undergo nonspecific low back pain at least once in their lifetime. Based on the concept of hip spine syndrome dysfunction in the hip may cause dysfunction in the lower back. Quadratus lumborum muscle flexibility causes lateral pelvic tilt during prolonged sitting which contributes to nonspecific low back pain. Neurokinetic therapy technique shows importance to the motor control theory along with significant changes in movement patterns.
Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of neurokinetic therapy in enhancing core muscle endurance, lateral pelvic tilt, and QL flexibility in individuals with CNSLBP.
Methods. An experimental study design was conducted at Saveetha Medical College and Hospital which includes participants of both genders with the age of 20-40 years with chronic nonspecific low back pain for more than 3 months. 60 participants in each group, i.e., the experimental group and control group, underwent neurokinetic therapy and core stability exercise.
Results. The post-test values of the prone bridge test, lateral pelvic tilt, and QL flex­ibility were statistically significant in both groups with a P-value < 0.0001 but more significant improvement in the neurokinetic therapy group.
Conclusions. Neurokinetic therapy was effective in improving core muscle endurance, lateral pelvic tilt, and QL flexibility in CNSLBP subjects.

Keywords: Neurokinetic therapy; quadratus lumborum flexibility; lateral pelvic tilt; nonspecific low back pain,

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