Health care data are a critical resource that can be used to improve patient outcomes and the financial performance of health care institutions [,]. By analyzing patient data, health care providers can gain insights into patients’ health status, identify trends, and make informed decisions about treatment plans. Properly collected, managed, treated, and interpreted health care data can help providers improve operational efficiency and reduce costs, thereby improving financial results [].
One of the primary ways health care data can be used to enhance medical decisions and potentially improve patient outcomes is through predictive analysis. This technique uses historical data to identify patterns and predict future outcomes, thereby enabling the recognition of high-risk patients, the simulation of different therapeutic approaches, and the personalization of patient care. However, relying on historical data has its caveats, as the predictive capacity of different variables is not fixed over time. Ignoring these aspects of temporal data may lead to prediction errors and learning instabilities. These variations in performance are part of what is known as temporal data shifts [-].
A temporal data shift refers to a change in the statistical properties of a data set over time, which can degrade model accuracy. In health care, this may occur due to various reasons, including changes in data collection practices, software updates or replacements, changes in patient behavior or lifestyle habits, and the introduction of new therapeutic technologies. These temporal events may lead to inconsistencies and discrepancies in the data, which may affect both the accuracy and reliability of the data and models trained on them. The impacts can be significant [,], as they can lead to incorrect diagnoses, inappropriate treatment plans, and poor patient outcome predictions. This highlights the importance of managing, characterizing, and mitigating these temporal effects [].
We are particularly interested in how temporal data drifts can be used to analyze the effectiveness of new patient treatment options. Changes in predictive capacity can provide insights into the impact of new treatments on patient outcomes. For instance, by comparing data collected before and after introducing a new treatment, we can identify any shifts that may indicate improved patient outcomes. If the data drift analysis indicates a positive impact of the new treatment, health care providers may choose to continue to monitor the data to ensure that the positive effects are sustained while maintaining the use of the new therapeutic option [].
A notable example of a condition that experienced an important data drift over time is the HIV infection. In the 1980s, HIV infection was a strong predictor of early death. However, it has now become more of a chronic condition, such as diabetes mellitus or systemic hypertension. In the same manner, advancements in breast cancer treatment have significantly increased survivorship over the years [].
Similarly, several infectious diseases, such as poliomyelitis or measles, have been nearly eradicated in most parts of the world, making them unlikely hypotheses for new diagnoses [,]. In the case of COVID-19, vaccination has dramatically changed the profile of hospitalizations and deaths [,], initially decreasing the mean age of patients at risk and creating a clear distinction between the periods before and after vaccination.
Our Main Contribution: The Detection, Initial Characterization, and Semantic Characterization MethodologyBuilding upon the idea of analyzing data drifts to obtain insights into how and whether new technologies or treatments have impacted patient outcomes, this paper proposes a novel, 3-step health care temporal analysis methodology, called detection, initial characterization, and semantic characterization (DIS). The proposed DIS methodology is summarized in . It consists of three main steps, (1) detection, (2) initial characterization, and (3) semantic characterization, which are described in the following sections.
In summary, we exploited various drift detection metrics in the detection step to identify any significant instances of data drift. Some of the metrics we explored in this step include Jensen-Shannon divergence [], autoencoder reconstruction error [], and centroid distances []. If changes were detected, we proceeded to the initial characterization step, where we obtained a global (data set–level) descriptive analysis of what changed and how the discriminative and predictive power of each feature and the distribution of labels evolved over time.
Additionally, we introduced the concept of temporal granularity in the data drift domain, which holds particular significance in health care data drifts and influences the instantiation of our third and final step. High temporal granularity is observed when a data set allows the visualization of numerous events over time for individual patients, with a clear understanding of the chronological order among these events. Conversely, low temporal granularity is observed when each patient is considered a singular event in time, lacking clarity regarding the precedence or sequence of different attributes.
Finally, guided by these principles, we proceeded to the third, semantic characterization step, which exploits concepts popularized in the natural language processing (NLP) domain to provide a localized (instance-level) perspective of why certain shifts occurred. To achieve this, we exploited vector embeddings derived from health care events, such as sequences of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, vital data measurements, and consumption items. Each of these semantic units (ICD codes, measurements, consumed items, etc) was treated as an “event” or, in NLP terminology, a “token.” By using NLP-inspired techniques to create semantic embeddings for these entities, we aimed to uncover insights into the changing context and its impact on the outcomes of interest over time.
Before delving into the details of each step in our methodology, it is crucial to emphasize that our DIS approach differs significantly from common practices. While conventional methods usually involve an ad hoc combination of techniques for data collection, qualitative data processing and extraction, and data analysis, our DIS methodology offers a planned and structured procedure, as illustrated in . This procedure delineates the required steps to understand data drift in health care data. As we will demonstrate and discuss, these steps can be tailored to various case studies by applying different techniques depending on specific data characteristics. We also offer guidance for selecting one particular approach for a given scenario. Furthermore, we discuss how the results of each step can inform the execution of the following ones and how the combined results of all steps can support our understanding of the drift.
More broadly, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine data drifts in health care from a technology incorporation standpoint. Rather than solely focusing on enhancing the robustness of machine learning (ML) models, we delved into the underlying factors driving temporal shifts in patient outcomes. Our aim was to study the impact of emerging technologies such as new drugs, patient care policies, or vaccines. In the following sections, we detail the steps of our DIS methodology and illustrate its application in 2 case studies with distinct characteristics in terms of temporal data shifts: the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data set [] and the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care, version IV (MIMIC-IV) data set []. By doing so, we illustrate how DIS can obtain insights into the reasons behind some real-life data drifts, as well as their potential impacts, both positive and negative, from a health care perspective.
The main contributions of this paper are summarized in .
The proposal of a new data drift characterization and analysis methodology, detection, initial characterization, and semantic characterization (DIS), that is flexible enough to work on different scenarios. DIS encapsulates and cohesively organizes a sequence of necessary steps for data drift analysis.A new semantic analysis step based on natural language processing embeddings for temporal understanding, which focuses on comprehending the context of relevant outcomes by examining changes in their embedding vectors over time. By incorporating such semantic techniques, DIS provides deeper insights into the reasons behind temporal changes, especially when combined with domain-specific knowledge. This approach allows for a more nuanced analysis of data evolution over time, capturing complex patterns and relationships that may not be apparent with traditional methods such as cluster analysis.The application of the DIS methodology to 2 different case studies with very different temporal granularity profiles illustrates the possibility of conducting insightful analyses using the methodology. We also offer guidelines to aid practitioners in making informed decisions about which methods to use in each step of our methodology, based on particular characteristics of the data. This demonstrates the generalizability and applicability of DIS across different scenarios.In step 1 (detection), the main focus is on assessing whether the data have relevant temporal variations. Monitoring and detecting such data drifts are crucial for upholding the accuracy and reliability of ML models and for identifying beneficial and detrimental changes in health care caused by interventions, such as the introduction of new treatments or drugs. From the perspective of a health care service or company, this step identifies whether changes are occurring, potentially prompting further investigations that could enhance service efficiency over time.
For the detection step, we recommend splitting the data into temporal chunks and then comparing the data distributions in consecutive chunks. A drift is detected whenever the distributions of distinct chunks exhibit significant differences. Various metrics to compare empirical distributions are available in the literature. These metrics have different characteristics and underlying principles, which may lead to relevant differences in their effectiveness in detecting temporal data drifts. In this work, we considered the following metrics: centroid cosine distance [], Jensen-Shannon divergence [], autoencoder reconstruction error [], classifier error (in separating 2-time chunks) [], and principal component analysis (PCA) reconstruction error [] metrics.
The centroid cosine distance metric assesses changes in the central points of data clusters over time and is sensitive to numeric outliers, particularly in heavy-tailed distributions where extremes can be multiple orders of magnitude larger than typical values. The PCA reconstruction error captures variations in data structure by quantifying the difference between original and reconstructed data. Similarly, autoencoder reconstruction error focuses on reconstruction accuracy. Both metrics measure the “novelty” of a data point and are sensitive to numerical outliers. By contrast, the classifier error evaluates a model’s ability to distinguish past from future data, providing insights into how drift affects predictive capabilities. Finally, the Jensen-Shannon divergence quantifies distributional changes, offering a broader perspective on underlying data distribution shifts over time. While reconstruction errors and centroids excel at detecting local outliers and structural changes, the Jensen-Shannon divergence and classifier error provide a more comprehensive view of distributional shifts, making them valuable for modeling the impact of temporal drifts on data distributions.
As an example, our prior analysis of the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry [] revealed a data drift that significantly impacted the death prediction task, suggesting that vaccination had a pivotal role in the profiles of hospitalized and deceased patients during the COVID-19 pandemic []. Although this is an interesting finding, the previous study did not present a proper structure to detect, monitor, and interpret such drifts generically, nor did it propose mechanisms to detect semantic information associated with specific outcomes.
The drift caused by vaccination can be initially hypothesized by comparing the data distributions of consecutive chunks (eg, near future vs recent past) using a classification approach. This involves monitoring the prediction model’s performance over time using metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall. Alternatively, the distribution of different features over time can be tracked using metrics such as Jensen-Shannon divergence or autoencoder reconstruction errors. If the model’s performance drops (or changes) significantly over time or if the differences between the metrics exceed a certain threshold, it may indicate a data drift. A summary of this monitoring loop is illustrated in .
Once a drift has been detected, we proceed to step 2 (initial characterization), where we begin to understand, from a global perspective (all data), how the data have changed ( []). This stage focuses on developing a general (global) comprehension of the whats and hows contributing to the changes observed in the data collection. Specifically, we are interested in characterizing variations in both dependent P(y) and independent P(x) variables, as well as the conditional probability of the dependent variables given the independent variables P(y|x). To reach these goals, we examine how P(y) has changed by plotting its frequency over time; the same is valid for P(x). For P(y|x), we can explore different complementary techniques that can help understand the drifts globally. We can analyze how the different correlation metrics between the top independent variables and the dependent variable change over time, for instance, with Pearson [] or Spearman [] correlations, or analyze the feature importance of tree-based learners or entropy-based measures such as information gain or chi-square over time []. Another possibility is to exploit explainability metrics based on game theory, such as Shapley additive explanations values [].
“Sudden drift” describes a situation where changes are abrupt and usually caused by a single event, such as a change in data collection practices, where an attribute stops being collected. “Incremental drift” describes gradual and directional changes in a data distribution, such as the observed increase in the populations with overweight and obesity over the past years. “Gradual drift” is similar but does not imply directional changes. Instead, it encompasses other gradual changes, such as the slow change in the hospital admission profile over many years. Finally, “reoccurring drift” refers to a drift pattern that repeats over time, such as the seasonal increase in emergency services admitting patients with influenza during predictable seasons of the year.
This type of analysis facilitates understanding how the relationship between predictive variables and the outcome of interest has evolved from a global perspective. Additionally, it is helpful to check the rate of change for each selected outcome by using similarity metrics and comparing the different groups of patients over time. At this stage, it is feasible to answer valuable research and business questions. For instance, we may observe a decreased likelihood of the “death” outcome in a given population, such as patients with COVID-19 or patients with breast cancer. We may also spot changes in the profiles of the patients who had adverse outcomes. Following these initial insights, the subsequent task is to understand why such changes happened, the goal of step 3.
Table 1. Drift types concerning the passing of time, according to Moreno-Torres et al []a.Data drift typeDescriptionSudden driftAbrupt and unexpected changes in the dataIncremental driftGradual and continuous changes over timeGradual driftSlow and steady changes in the data distributionReoccurring driftPeriodic or repetitive shifts in the dataSemantic Characterization StepIn step 3, the main focus is to learn why the changes we observed in step 2 happened. This step integrates fundamental research and business value into our methodology and is heavily dependent on the temporal granularity of the data under evaluation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine data drifts in health care from a technology incorporation standpoint. For instance, as mentioned earlier, we may have already learned, as a result of step 1, that a given disease or condition, such as COVID-19, had a decreased lethality over a specific time period. Given this information, what will add value to health care services is the discovery of which repeatable interventions within this time frame can be consistently beneficial.
We begin step 3 by proposing a novel NLP-inspired technique based on token embedding techniques, such as Word2Vec [], to detect local or individual changes in outcome contexts over time. We opt for NLP-inspired techniques because they effectively model and comprehend “semantics” and “contexts.” In this context, we treat each patient as a “document” and any temporally discrete health care event or information, such as disease codes or items used during a hospital stay, as a “token” (ie, the equivalent of a “word” or a “subword” in NLP). For instance, the underlying premise is that a patient’s semantics can be understood by examining their diseases and consumption history. On the basis of on this representation, we characterize which entities or outcome groups have undergone the most significant changes regarding their defining characteristics in comparison to a baseline or initial time chunk. This assessment assumes a setting where we have an outcome y and the task of predicting this outcome using independent variables X. This characterization can be achieved by comparing the distance of each class’s centroid to a reference centroid, where a “centroid” represents the arithmetic mean of each patient’s features.
The procedure to compute each of these centroids is explained in . In this figure, we show a simplified view of 2 groups of patients in 2D and how the centroids are calculated to be at the spatial “center” of the groups by averaging their attributes. We can compare different centroids using either a cosine distance or a cosine similarity (equation 1). This type of analysis can guide our research toward a specific hypothesis, filtering down to the pattern changes in specific outcomes, such as death or the need for mechanical ventilation during a hospital stay.
In equation 1, the cosine distance is simply 1 –cosine similarity.
The centroid of each class in the first (time) chunk will be analyzed over time, providing insights into which outcomes (eg, death vs nondeath or hospitalization vs nonhospitalization) underwent the most significant changes. From this observation, we can focus our analysis on the interest group. This approach, which will be further illustrated in our experiments, allows us to compute semantic distances among patients, between patients and outcomes, and among different outcomes.
To apply step 3 to a data set, we need to remember that health care data come in different temporal and semantic granularities. For instance, data sets such as the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry (details presented in the DIS Instantiation for the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry Data Set section) treat each patient as a single data point, characterized by atomic temporal granularity, where temporal effects are observed only at a populational level. In data sets with such low temporal granularity, it is as if all events happened simultaneously at the patient level, and we know only the relationship between those events and the patients. In these cases, modeling the relationships between entities and their resulting semantic vectors may require techniques such as graph vectorization.
On the other extreme, data sets with high temporal granularity, such as MIMIC-IV (details presented in the DIS Instantiation for the MIMIC-IV Data Set section), present patients existing within their own timelines, as well as at the populational level. Furthermore, MIMIC-IV has different levels of semantic detail, such as sequential disease codes that could be aggregated into broader groups based on their chapters (eg, both “prostate cancer” and “breast cancer” could be grouped under the “neoplasms” disease code chapter).
In both cases, we would first refer to step 2 to identify suitable candidates for the NLP-inspired modeling. In the case of MIMIC-IV, as demonstrated later, the data show a gradual and trending shift over time, with in-hospital mortality consistently decreasing over the years. Given this pattern and the granularity available in these data, we create sequences of discrete information tokens to elucidate the observed variations for each patient, such as ordinal disease codes or chapters, if a more compact set of possible semantic units is desired.
Finally, we can append “artificial tokens” at the appropriate positions on each patient’s sequence, such as a “death” token at the end of the sequences of deceased patients or an “ICU” token when the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU), if applicable. With these sequences, we can obtain semantic vectors representing diseases, patients, or outcomes. Following this process on discrete temporal chunks, such as years or months, we obtain distinct outcome tokens for each temporal chunk (eg, “death 2020” and “death 2021,” effectively separating the same outcome over 2 years). With this, it is possible to compare the tokens, examining their relative distance and semantic similarity to each other and other tokens. This allows the identification of what has become more or less similar to the analyzed outcome over time.
Next, we will illustrate the application of our methodology to the 2 aforementioned case studies, with different temporal granularities. The 2 cases are very different in terms of their temporal granularity, volume, and nature of data, demonstrating the generalization capability of DIS.
DIS InstantiationWe illustrate the application of DIS to analyze temporal shifts by using the MIMIC-IV [] and the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data sets [].
The MIMIC-IV data set is a comprehensive, open-access, and deidentified in-hospital patient record containing sequential diagnosis data; consumption items; vital data records; unstructured eHealth data (text data); and clinical notes for approximately 40,000 ICU patients from 2008 to 2019, designed for research in health care and medical science []. In this data set, age is reported in age groups, which is a requirement for deidentification.
The Brazilian COVID-19 Registry is a multicenter retrospective cohort of 10,897 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 admitted between March 2020 and December 2021 from 41 different Brazilian hospitals. For the purpose of the present analysis, variables collected at hospital presentation and at patient discharge were used. The data set consists of >200 features, including known comorbidities, patient’s age and sex, laboratory tests (such as complete blood count, C-reactive protein, and arterial blood gas analysis), vital signs at hospital presentation (ie, arterial blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart rate), and clinical outcomes [].
As mentioned earlier, we chose these 2 case studies, as they illustrate scenarios where the available data have very different temporal granularity characteristics, meaning the patient’s timeline can be reconstructed from the data at either a local (individual) or a populational level.
Ethical ConsiderationsThis study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CAAE 70801523.7.1001.5149).
The MIMIC-IV data set comprised 299,712 patients (median age 48, IQR 29-65 years), while the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data set comprised 10,898 patients (median age 60, IQR 48-71 years).
illustrates how the DIS methodology is instantiated concerning the data’s temporal granularity for each scenario. As explained, DIS consists of 3 steps (detection, initial characterization, and semantic characterization). The temporal granularity of the available data affects specifically the last step (semantic characterization). The figure also shows that several methods can be applied for the detection step. In our experiments, we tested and compared 5 different methods regarding their capability of accurately identifying temporal drifts in the detection step. In the second step, different exploratory techniques that measure the relationship between the dependent P(y) and independent P(x) variables over time can be used. We exploited multiple alternative techniques, such as feature importance and Pearson correlation. Finally, in the last step, our aim was to generate semantic embeddings for outcomes and other health care events over time and to derive insights from comparing these embeddings. We tested two different alternatives for producing such insights: (1) using our semantic embedding modeling and (2) using traditional clustering techniques over the untreated (original) data without the semantic treatment. The goal of using these 2 techniques was to illustrate insights that can be obtained with the semantic layer, which would be difficult to obtain otherwise.
A notable characteristic of this data set is its high temporal granularity, enabling the tracking of time progression within each individual’s hospital stay. High temporal granularity means we know the sequence of health care events at the individual level. This facilitates obtaining invaluable insights into the relationships between such events, much like it helps us learn about the semantics of words in NLP. It has been consistently shown that the order of precedence between words and how often they appear with other words are representative of those words’ semantics []. We claim that the order of precedence and cooccurrence between health care events can also contain the “semantics” of those events. A distributed representation built from these relationships could cluster similar health care events, such as the representation of different types of diabetes or hypertension and their associated complications, in close proximity in the space. Although all dates in the data set are anonymized for privacy reasons, we can track each individual’s sequence of events using the provided masking of dates. This date masking is consistent in a manner that allows for time tracking during each patient’s hospital stay, and it contains a special attribute that allows for the association of patients with the yearly interval during which they were hospitalized. These yearly interval data allow us to compare how patients in each year group behaved as a group, meaning we can also measure temporal effects at the populational level. The period covered by these data set ranges from 2008 to 2019.
In other words, the data set offers temporal granularity at both the population and individual levels. However, breaking this data set into arbitrary temporal chunks is challenging because the dates are masked. Despite this, the data set contains a nonmasked anchor year group that assigns each patient to an actual year interval during which they were hospitalized. explains how this variable works. Essentially, a random time delta is fixed for each patient and added to all relevant dates, effectively masking them while preserving the relative time intervals for that patient. Consequently, direct comparison of dates between 2 different patients is not feasible, except for their “anchor_year_group” variables. For instance, a patient hospitalized in 2015 may have (through the added random time delta) dates that appear later than those of a patient hospitalized in 2020. We can only directly compare dates within the context of each patient. The real year interval during which each patient was hospitalized is preserved in their ”anchor_year_group“ variable, which we use in all chunking for this data set henceforth.
DIS: Detection Step (MIMIC-IV)As described, the temporal chunks in MIMIC-IV were given by the “anchor_year_group” variable. We used this variable to separate patients into the 4 groups provided within the data set. We then used alternative drift detection approaches, namely Jensen-Shannon divergence, autoencoder reconstruction error, PCA reconstruction error, centroid distances, and classifier prediction error in separating time chunks plot for this data set considering in-hospital ICD diagnosis. The Jensen-Shannon divergence formula is shown in equation 2, where KL is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence [], and P and Q are the 2 variables being compared.
We started step 1 of DIS with the drift detection substep. As previously described, the temporal chunks in MIMIC-IV were identified through the “anchor_year_group” variable. We used this variable to separate patients into the 4 groups provided within the data set. shows the Jensen-Shannon divergence plot for this data set considering in-hospital ICD diagnosis. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is shown in equation (2), in which KL is the KL divergence, P and Q are the 2 variable distributions being compared, and we compute na average of each possible KL divergence combination between the two distributions. Since the KL divergence is asymmetric, the calculation described can be interpreted as a symmetric divergence between the two distributions. This metric was tracked to evaluate whether the data distributions changed over time, how fast they changed, and whether the data shift was temporary.
JSD(P||Q) = 1/2 KL(P||M) + 1/2 KL(Q||M) (2)
In equation 2, KL is the KL divergence, M is 1/(P + Q), and P and Q are the distributions of the variables we compared.
presents the results of our drift detection metrics, applied to the various “anchor_year_groups” in the MIMIC-IV data set. The figure depicts the normalized magnitude of the drift signal calculated per “anchor_year_group.” The drift signals were normalized in the 0 range for visualization, as shown in equation 2. The results for the Jensen-Shannon divergence, PCA reconstruction error, and centroid cosine distances revealed a trend toward increasing distance between the variable distributions over time, which did not revert to prior levels, suggesting a gradual temporal shift. As seen in , this drift occurred gradually over several years, with a more pronounced change between the first 2 temporal chunks.
By contrast, when examining the autoencoder reconstruction error and classifier error metrics, a peak divergence was observed in the second time chunk (2011-2013), which gradually trended toward the baseline. As models with more parameters, these 2 drift metrics were sensitive to a combination of the data distribution, novel data points (ie, rare diseases or diseases not present in the reference time slice), and numerical outliers in the case of the autoencoder reconstruction error. For example, the disease codes appearing in the second chunk had the smallest intersection with the reference chunk, meaning they had the fewest diseases occurring concurrently in both chunks. This likely explains why the autoencoder reconstruction error and classifier error metrics exhibited their highest peaks in this slice.
In summary, the Jensen-Shannon divergence metric yielded more robust drift signals in our tests. It is important to note that the best metric depends on the most relevant type of drift for the data collection being analyzed. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is robust at detecting distribution changes, just as robust as the classifier error metric. If we are interested in detecting the occurrence of outliers or novel samples not seen before, the reconstruction errors might result in better detection. The choice of metric must be informed by the characteristics of the metrics themselves as well as the characteristics of the data stream being monitored.
NormalizedSignal = (X – min[X])/(max[X] – min[X]) (3)
As show in equation 3, normalization is used to calculate the normalized magnitude of the drift signal.
After establishing that a drift has indeed occurred, especially based on the results of the most accurate method, the Jensen-Shannon divergence, we proceeded to step 2. In this step, we strived to understand how the independent variables (P(X)) affect the outcome, which is our dependent variable (P(y|X)), and how the relationship between dependent and independent variables changes over time. This analysis can be accomplished by examining changes in correlations and feature importance over time, as well as by characterizing the distribution of different features over time. For instance, in , we show how the relative distribution of the “death” outcome has changed over time in this data set. This means that our data exhibit a consistent trend toward in-hospital mortality reduction over time, which indicates a change in the relative distribution of the 2 possible categories (deceased × not deceased) for this outcome.
In , we show the correlations and feature importance variations of the top 5 most correlated and the top 5 most predictive ICD chapters (according to ICD-10) and the “death” outcome (according to feature importance). For instance, A shows some expressive variations, such as how circulatory system diseases seem to grow more correlated with death over time, B shows how neoplasms seem to become less predictive of death over time.
In , we show how the different outcome groups behave over time from given baseline, in particular the patterns of independent variables given the outcome categories P(y|X) observed in the first temporal chunk. To obtain this result, we computed the arithmetic mean of each class’s features in each “anchor_year_group” and calculated the cosine distance between these means over time, taking the first chunk as a reference to compare all other chunks against it. In this particular figure, we represent each patient as a “corpus” containing all their health care events (such as diseases and medications used during the hospital stay), then encode each feature as a 1-hot sparse matrix (each event can have the value “0,” if it did not happen for a particular patient, or “1,” if it did), and subsequently average these features. Notably, this representation treats each patient as a “bag of health care events,” disregarding the order of precedence between those events, unlike what we did in our semantic characterization step. In the specific case, we show how the “death” outcome exhibits greater temporal drifts over the available time chunks in both data sets compared to the overall hospitalized patient population.
In , we show the top 5 ICD-10 chapters that have become more and less similar to the “death” outcome over time. Notably, certain diseases, such as neoplasms, have become less similar, while others, such as malformations and circulatory system diseases, have become more similar. That is consistent with the findings in step 2, and over the next few paragraphs, we describe the procedure to obtain this similarity score. We explain the token-level vectorization process for both dependent and independent variables in . First, we compiled a temporally ordered list of patient data, consisting of discrete data points such as items consumed during hospital stay (antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, etc), disease codes (using ICD), and procedures. At the end of each patient’s sequence, we appended the outcome category for that patient. To classify the outcome, we divided binary outcomes into distinct tokens, such as “deceased” and “not deceased,” and used the corresponding token to generate our training corpus. Continuous outcomes and dependent variables could be binarized using a simple histogram binarization scheme, as demonstrated in the next analysis. Following the corpus generation, we used it to train token embeddings with Word2Vec []. This method produced embedding vectors for both dependent and independent variables, allowing semantic comparisons between different entities, such as the ”death“ outcome and different disease codes. We created 1 outcome token for each outcome category and temporal chunk in our data set. This allowed us to evaluate how an outcome such as “death” may have drifted closer to or farther from certain diseases or procedures over time.
In , we show the top 5 conditions that became more similar to the “death” token and the top 5 conditions that became less similar when comparing the first and last time chunks. Since every entity is a “token,” we could evaluate similarities between diseases and disease chapters, between patients and diseases they have not yet been diagnosed with, and between outcomes and diseases (). In particular, in , we demonstrate changes in similarity for the “dysphagia following stroke” ICD code within the MIMIC-IV data set []. Our analysis revealed a rise in the simultaneous appearance of ICD codes related to obesity between the periods of 2011 to 2013 and 2017 to 2019. This trend aligns with broader observations indicating an uptick in obesity rates across the United States. Importantly, it is essential to recognize that this method does not permit the establishment of causal relationships; rather, it emphasizes changes in correlation and cooccurrence.
The step 3 analysis can also be conducted at different levels of granularity to gain a deeper understanding of the observed changes. From step 2, it can be inferred that mortality has been decreasing and has some relationship with particular disease groups. If step 3 is performed at the disease code level, as shown in , chapters that had considerable shifts in their similarity to the “death” outcome, either increasing or decreasing similarity, can be identified. For instance, the findings confirm what is illustrated in , where “cancer” shows a decreasing similarity to the outcome, while the variable “circulatory diseases” exhibits an increasing similarity to the outcome. This observation is further supported by the results shown in , where an absolute increase in the number of patients with cancer over time is shown, associated with a relative decrease in in-hospital cancer-related deaths between 2008 and 2019.
To further illustrate how the proposed DIS semantic analysis based on embedding distances among entities of interest can help in better comprehending the reasons for the drifts, we contrasted the previous analyses of our third step with a traditional clustering analysis for the MIMIC-IV data set. This analysis used a syntactically oriented term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) [] representation for the entities, built from the same corpus of clinical entities. In a TF-IDF representation, each dimension corresponds to a unique term (word) in the document corpus. The value in each dimension reflects the importance of that term in a specific document, calculated by multiplying the term’s frequency in the document (term frequency) by the inverse frequency of the term across all documents (inverse document frequency). In our case, each “document” was a patient, and each “word” was a health care event, such as the identification of a novel disease. We applied a spectral clustering [] procedure to the TF-IDF representation of the entities to create the clusters. The results are shown in Figure S8. To obtain the 4 clusters displayed in , we used a silhouette analysis using 2 to 15 clusters.
shows the top 5 most frequent diseases for each of the 4 clusters (y-axis). On the x-axis, we present the index of each cluster. shows how the relative frequency of each cluster changed over each “anchor_year_group.” A few points stood out from the clustering analysis illustrated in . As it can be observed, the cluster analysis using syntactically oriented vectors made it harder to interpret the drivers of a data drift when compared to DIS. For instance, some semantically similar diseases, such as “other and unspecified hyperlipidemia” and “hyperlipidemia, unspecified,” may have very distinct profiles in different clusters, such as in clusters 0 and 2, each having a high concentration of patients with either one of these diseases. The main problem of this particular cluster analysis based on syntactically oriented representation is the separation of semantically similar entities into distinct clusters. In DIS, similar entities will be represented similarly and thus analyzed in conjunction.
Table 2. Change in similarity by ICDa chapter.ICD chapterChange in similarityDirectionDiseases of the nervous system–0.14Less similarDiseases of the musculoskeletal system–0.12Less similarExternal causes of morbidity and mortality–0.10Less similarDiseases of the digestive system–0.08Less similarNeoplasms–0.02Less similarCongenital malformations+0.40More similarDiseases of the circulatory system+0.35More similarDiseases of the genitourinary system+0.30More similarEndocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases+0.25More similarDiseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue+0.20More similaraICD: International Classification of Diseases.
The median age was 60 (IQR 48-71) years, and 21.72% (2367/10,898) were women (5012 patients). In this data set, 21% of registered patients died, yielding an unbalanced classification problem when predicting future deaths. The data set has low temporal granularity, with only 1 data point per patient, which precludes time tracking during hospital stays. Consequently, we could measure time only at the populational level. In other words, unlike the previous case study, there was a single “snapshot” for each patient, with no temporal evolution at the individual level.
DIS: Detection Step (Brazilian COVID-19 Registry Data Set)As in the previous case study scenario, we evaluated the same 5 alternative techniques, namely the PCA reconstruction error, autoencoder reconstruction error, classifier error (in separating past vs future), and Jensen-Shannon divergence. All these metrics measure the drift compared to a reference temporal slice and do not require setting a specific outcome or using labeled data.
The outcomes of this procedure are illustrated in , where the divergence sharply increases starting from the final quarter of 2020, based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence metric. Numerically, a drift is indicated in this interval as the divergence levels surpass a user-defined threshold, such as a fixed threshold of 2 SDs or a threshold informed by domain expertise. As depicted in the figure, the PCA reconstruction error, autoencoder reconstruction error, and centroid cosine distances indicate positive drift signals in the quarter starting from April 2020. During this semester, the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data set exhibited a small number of numeric outliers, which were identified by these methods. Conversely, the Jensen-Shannon method signaled a data drift in the quarter starting from October 2020, which aligns with the “official” start of the second wave in Brazil in November 2020. Meanwhile, the classifier error method indicated a drift in July 2020, which falls between the identification of numeric outliers and the actual distribution change from the first wave to the second wave. Both the Jensen-Shannon method and the classifier error method signaled drift closer to known actual changes, while the other, more reconstruction-based methods were more sensitive to numeric shifts, which were not necessarily associated with changes in the underlying distributions.
Once a drift was detected, we proceeded with the second DIS step, initial characterization. This step aims to understand the main drivers (“what”) of changes during the considered period and “how” they affect the underlying outcomes. At a high level, this begins with the characterization of the changes in the outcome (the independent variable) over time. In , we illustrate this upon evaluating the variation in COVID-19–related mortality in our data set. This example displays a trend toward a reduction in the death outcome over time. At the initial characterization step, it is expedient to examine the distribution of the outcome of interest (death, ICU admissions, etc) as well as those of the most predictive independent variables (eg, those with the highest correlation with the desired outcomes or higher feature importance in a tree-based classifier).
To guide the next steps, it is helpful to check how much each outcome category’s properties (such as the mean age of the deceased patient population or the prevalence of hypertension) have changed over time. In particular, focusing on which outcomes have changed the most helps target specific subsets of the data that could better explain the observed phenomena. We show an example in , where we analyzed such variations in the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data set. To build the graphs in this figure, we split our data set into time chunks. For each chunk, we separated all patients into classes according to their outcome (eg, dividing the population into deceased and nondeceased and then representing the chunk by averaging all of the patient’s features in each category). For each subgroup of patients within the same time chunk and sharing the same outcome, we computed the centroid of that class (the arithmetic mean of all attributes). We then took the first chunk as a reference and compared each class’s chunk arithmetic mean to the reference using a cosine distance. shows how much the deceased patients’ characteristics changed more than those of the overall population during the same period.
A better comprehension of the drift drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic emerges from . As shown in A, we observed how the overall best predictors of death changed over time through Pearson correlation analysis conducted each trimester on the data set. At the beginning of the pandemic, age was the single best predictor of death, in trimesters 0 and 2. As the vaccination campaign started, older adults were prioritized and received immunization first. This led to a progressive deterioration of the predictive value of age, as well as an overall decrease in mortality (), culminating in the latest trimester, where age was the worst predictor among the top 5 variables. In B, it can be seen that the median age of the deceased patient population over time.
In summary, the second step revealed that the COVID-19 data showed a progressive decrease in patient mortality (), with a more pronounced change in the group of deceased patients (). It was also possible to notice that the overall characteristics of the patients who were dying changed abruptly (). From the remaining characterization steps in , we can see that age lost its predictive capacity (A) over time, while clinical features such as the patients’ fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) became better predictors of death. Concurrently, there was a reduction in the median age of patients who were dying (B).
Following the conclusions from the previous step, we moved further into the semantic characterization step. As the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data have low temporal granularity and most of their features are continuous, what requires data categorization to enable the use of NLP techniques to treat words and other semantic units.
Subsequently, due to low granularity at the individual level, we needed to model relationships between these now-discrete entities. In more detail, we assumed that the temporal precedence between events imposes a relationship between them and that this relationship can be learned and embedded into a distributional representation. The issue with low temporal granularity data is that the order of precedence is not known; hence, it is not possible to model it directly. Therefore, we modeled all health events (from the perspective of a single individual) as if they happened simultaneously. Therefore, in this setting, we modeled the passing of time only from the perspective of the population and not from the perspective of the individual. This means that we only knew, for instance, that a given patient had events (such as new diseases or use of medications) 1, 2, and 3, but we did not know the order of precedence between these attributes, something that was explicit in the MIMIC-IV data due to high temporal granularity. We began by discretizing the continuous features with a histogram discretizer, which essentially breaks the data intervals into “equal width segments” and then assigns a “token” (ie, a string or integer value) that is unique to patients having that attribute in that specific range of values.
After that, we created a graph with patients, discretized continuous attributes, discrete attributes, and outcomes, such as the one in . To build this graph, we connected each patient to their attribute tokens and outcomes while creating one outcome token for each time chunk under analysis. Finally, we embedded the graph using a node embedding algorithm such as Node2Vec []. We contrasted this procedure with the one adopted to characterize the MIMIC-IV data set (). As discussed before, in MIMIC-IV, the temporal order is defined at the individual level, with entity relationships determined by the timeline. By contrast, the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data set presents events as occurring “simultaneously” at the patient level, limiting the understanding of relationships between events and patients. In this case, to derive semantic vectors representing entity relationships, we approached it as a graph vectorization problem.
To analyze the resulting model, we compared the outcome embedding vectors to evaluate their similarity to each other and to other patient attributes. We show the results of this procedure in . From that, it is evident that the 2021 death outcome token increased in similarity to lower age groups, such as age groups 18 to 39 years and 40 to 61 years, while decreasing in similarity to older age groups, such as age groups 62 to 83 years and 84 to 105 years. This observation further validates the previous findings and introduces new elements not captured in earlier steps. We could also see an increase in similarity to lower admission heart rates and lower admission serum sodium values, as well as lower FiO2 at admission, showing a shift in disease severity markers over this time frame.
As mentioned earlier, for comparative purposes, to emphasize the semantic capabilities of the proposed DIS procedures, we compared our semantic-step results with those obtained through traditional clustering analysis for the Brazilian COVID-19 Registry data set (). In this analysis, entities were represented by a syntactically oriented TF-IDF representation. In , we show the top 5 highest-value features for each of the 6 clusters selected using the silhouette analysis, as was done for the MIMIC-IV case. In , we show how the relative frequency of each cluster changed over time in each trimester.
Similar to the MIMIC-IV case, the clustering analysis of the COVID-19 data was not as straightforward to interpret as the DIS analysis when searching for the drivers of data drift. For example, we identified a cluster of patients who underwent a “transplant” and another cluster of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, but the reasons why these particular clusters were selected and the reasons for the drifts could not be easily derived through a straightforward analysis of these syntactically oriented clusters.
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