Microemulsions are relatively stable carrier agents for bioactive components. This study aimed to
determine the characteristics of oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsions as carriers of α-tocopherol
compounds in variations of α-tocopherol concentration, pH, and dilution. The O/W microemulsion
was made from a mixture of surfactants (Tween 80, Tween 20, and Span 80) with virgin coconut
oil (VCO) in a ratio of 85:15 with a total volume of 5 mL added with 10 mL of distilled water.
The research used a randomized block design (RBD). The data were analyzed using ANOVA and
continued with Tukey's test and regression analysis. Treatments in microemulsion were the
addition of α-tocopherol with concentrations of: 0.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.0%. Observations were
made on the turbidity index values, appearance, droplet diameter, and microemulsion stability. In
addition, observations were made on the stability of the microemulsion at variations of pH (4.5,
5.5, 6.5), and dilution (10, 50, and 100 times). The results showed that the microemulsion was able
to carry α-tocopherol compounds up to a concentration of 2% with a turbidity value reaching
0.1036 ± 0.0033% with a transparent appearance. A mixture of three surfactants (Tween 80,
Tween 20 and Span 80) has the ability to increase droplet stability. The α-tocopherol
microemulsion had a droplet diameter below 30 nm and stayed stable against the effects of
centrifugation at pH 4.5 with dilutions up to 50 times and remained stable upto pH 6.5 with
dilutions between 50 – 100 times.
Research Articles
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