Indicators and Implementation Guidance to Advance Value-Based HIV Care Through People-Centered Metrics

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“People-centered” HIV services recognize individuals’ holistic selves—as people with unique and dynamic needs, preferences, and rights who deserve an individualized service experience tailored to their life journey.

A validated, streamlined set of metrics can help the HIV community drive toward such a “people-centered” orientation and advance the Joint United Nations Programms on HIV/AIDS’ 2025 target of linking at least 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk to people-centered and context-specific integrated services.

A framework of people-centered outcomes and 6 corresponding metrics were developed with and for the people they serve to elevate monitoring the degree to which an individual is healthy, comfortable, and able to participate and enjoy life events.

Successfully integrating these person-centered outcome metrics in an existing HIV program can improve quality of life and health outcomes by encouraging providers and program staff to use the indicator data to improve care provision.

The HIV community is invited to collaboratively refine and validate these people-centered outcome metrics using the Putting People-Centered Metrics for HIV into Practice toolkit.

In 2022, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief shifted to a “person-centered” or “people-centered” orientation.1 Designed to align with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Global AIDS Strategy’s operating principles, the language change from “client-centered” recognizes individuals’ holistic selves—not only as persons living with HIV in need of diagnosis and treatment but also as people with unique and dynamic needs, preferences, and rights who deserve an individualized service experience tailored to their life journey.

The call for a “people-centered” approach has also been expressed through advocacy in the HIV community for a fourth goal—beyond the original 95-95-95 UNAIDS fast-track targets—to achieve and sustain epidemic control. UNAIDS’ 2025 target of linking at least 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk to people-centered …

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