The rates of opioid use and opioid related deaths are escalating in the United States. Despite this, evidence-based treatments for Opioid Use Disorder are underutilized. There are three medications FDA approved for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone. This article reviews the history, criteria, and mechanisms associated with Opioid Use Disorder. Pertinent pharmacology considerations, treatment strategies, efficacy, safety, and challenges of Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone are outlined. Lastly, a practical decision making algorithm is discussed to address pertinent psychiatric and medical comorbidities when prescribing pharmacology for Opioid Use Disorder.
Keywords Opioid Crisis - Opioid Maintenance Therapy - Opioid Use Disorder - Methadone - Buprenorphine - Naltrexone© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.
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