In Italy 24 % of abortion in Italy are repeated procedure [1,2].
The cause of repeated abortion can be traced back to the inadequacy of the contraceptive counseling during the previous abortion or to the adoption of an ineffective contraception method.
The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that “all women should receive contraceptive information and be offered counseling for and methods of postabortion contraception, including emergency contraception, before leaving the health care facility following abortion” [3].
A higher percentage of repeated abortion was reported among foreign women (39 %) than Italians (21 %) [1,2], which may underline a difficulty in access to family planning services. For some women abortion may represent a unique opportunity for access to the health service. Moreover, in this occasion, it is particularly important to counsel and choose the most effective and safe contraceptive methods, with the longest continuation of use and to allow to start them immediately.
All contraceptive methods can be initiated immediately after abortion. The "Medical Eligibility for Contraceptive Use" document of the World Health Organization provides the class I (always recommendable) for the use of hormonal contraceptive methods, for contraceptive implants and for intrauterine devices immediately after abortion. The availability of LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception: intrauterine devices and subdermal implant) methods at the time of abortion has proven in many studies to be the most effective strategy to reduce repeated abortion [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10].
Our study evaluates perceived quality of contraceptive counselling received by women requesting abortion in Italy.
The aim is to verify if the abortion providers propose adequate counseling on contraception, with the main objective to choose the most appropriate and safe method for each woman.
In addiction we value the contraceptive choice after counselling and verify if the method was immediately available the day of the abortion.
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