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There are errors in the number of patients recorded in two tables, and a data correction in this article [1].
The total number of patients with or without Beta Blockers in Table 1 was 61 and not 62 as stated in the top of the column labelled Drug. There was one patient that had no Beta Blocker usage data. The number of patients for all other criteria remains as 62.
There is an error in the number of patients in the placebo and drug arm in Table 6. This should be 62 in both arms, and not 5 and 50, respectively. The mean for the placebo group for frequency of muscle cramps two weeks after stoppage in this Table 6 should be 10.5 and not 10.6.
1. Abd-Elsalam A, Ebrahim S, Soliman S, Alkhalawany W, Elfert A, Hawash N, et al. Orphenadrine in treatment of muscle cramps in cirrhotic patients: a randomized study. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020; 32:1042–1045.
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